
Eborsoft offer a variety of software development services. Below are some of the most popular.

Legacy System Re-engineering

Technology evolves continually and it is not uncommon for systems to age and quickly become unsupported, or become "maintenance-only". Internally developed applications and systems are particularly vulnerable to this as your developers move to the next new project. This can result in increased technical debt and costs as systems become more difficult to maintain and secure.

Eborsoft can work with your business to:

  • Perform black-box reverse engineering of existing systems where artefacts such as source code have been lost.
  • Re-engineer internal systems, whilst suggesting possible updates.
  • Ensure that re-engineered applications are built on long-lasting technologies.
  • Provide the appropriate amount of documentation, with hand over to any internal development team.
  • Provide as much or as little long-term maintenance as you require.
Update image

Business Software Solutions

Good software solutions are essential to any business. Whilst there are a fantastic range of off-the-shelf systems available, in many cases these aren't quite enough. Eborsoft specializes in the design and development of robust, scalable software solutions for business. Whether the starting point is simply an informal discussion to understand the possibilities, or even if you already have a good idea of your requirements already, Eborsoft can provide the expertise to turn those plans into quality, fit for purpose solutions.

Bespoke solution highlights:

  • We will work with you to build a clear and agreed specification. Timings and costs are presented and agreed upfront.
  • Solutions are built using modern and well supported software technologies.
  • Everything is built to be cost effective to maintain, either by Eborsoft or a third party.
  • Flexible hosting - on premise or in the Cloud (where applicable).
  • Standards based security model, including OAUTH2 and SSO implementations.
  • Multiple types of solutions available (desktop applications, web based apps, etc.)
  • Ownership of final product including source code is yours.
Business systems

Mobile Apps

A lot of modern systems go beyond the desktop and server. Staff and customers increasingly expect the systems they use to be "always available" and often this means making such systems available in the form of a mobile-enabled website or a mobile app.

Features of Eborsoft mobile app solutions:

  • All apps designed to work on the latest iOS and Android platforms on all mainstream devices.
  • Security first design, ensuring that even compromised devices don't compromise your data.
  • Cost effective implementation - cost sharing between platforms means feature parity and less time to completion.
  • Best practice UI design.
  • Where appropriate Eborsoft can either assist or lead publishing your app via an app store or your MDM.
Mobile application